“Throw away the briefcase: you’re not going to the office. You can kiss your benefits goodbye too. And your new boss won’t look much like your old one. There’s no longer a ladder, and you may never get to retire, but there’s world of opportunity if you figure out a new path.” --TIME

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Solo Presentation... and an unexpected email validation

Go to school... get a job... retire with a gold watch... In 1950, that may have been a reality. In 2010, in the current and future economy, that formula is leaving and will leave many folks angry, confused and unemployed. And when questioned about an alternate income stream they shrug their shoulders and roll their eyes. The reality is that safe… has become the new risky. Most people in the workplace are seeking safety and security and being an employee has become a precarious existence. And people who insist on utilizing an outdated income producing model like the traditional workplace are about to be placed on the endangered species list. The truth is the current workplace is broken and it has been for a long time. Working for someone else- being dependent on someone else for a paycheck- has become a recipe for personal economic disaster.

The question for the average person then is, “What is a viable Plan B? The network marketing business model is a possible answer. Once viewed in a negative light, direct sales or network marketing has become the wealth creation vehicle of the new millennium. Economist Paul Zane Pilzer, in his new book The Next Millionaires explains how old models of opportunity in physical distribution have given way to new opportunities in intellectual distribution, defined as teaching people about products or services that they didn't even know exist.

This Just in… I just received an email (Oct. 12th) from the Rutgers Bookstore which is owned by Barnes and Noble that Avon will be doing a presentation of their products and business opportunity at 40 different college bookstores (including Rutgers) around the country. And, when clicking on the link in the email, a Facebook page “pops up.“ The incorporation of technology into the changing culture is under way. It was only a matter of time before a network marketing company realized there are no jobs in the private sector and started to recruit hard at college campus locations. I actually have been telling my friends this for months. Avon will be the first of many direct-sales companies bringing their opportunity to college campuses. Why wouldn’t they? There are no jobs.
It’s funny because I was about to describe the lukewarm response that the class gave to the industry. And the point is that people are resistant to change. Those who embrace change in this economy will leave those holding on to the traditional work model behind. It’s happening right now. The gap between the “have’s and the “have-nots” will keep increasing because those who cling to the go to college-get a job plan will find themselves deeply in debt and unemployed. The death of the W-2 wage earner is near and the rise of the 1099 worker is under way.

Professor Pilzer predicts that ten million new millionaires will be created between 2006-2016, and The Next Millionaires explains how you can become one of them-- especially if you are in direct selling, technology, home-based business, product distribution, or an emerging trillion-dollar industry like wellness.

Avon… which does 8 Billion dollars a year in sales understands that ThereAreNoJobs and now the company is going to tour the country to show college kids a Plan B…

The economy is changing… those who can’t let go of the past will sit on
the sidelines and watch … those who embrace change will prosper…

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